Antiperspirant vs Deodorant and the benefits of using natural alternatives

Antiperspirant vs Deodorant and the benefits of using natural alternatives

Antiperspirant vs Deodorant and the benefits of using natural alternatives

At Wild we have a simple mission: To create high performing products that use the very best ingredients nature has to offer, whilst looking to reduce the impact we have on the environment and our surroundings.


We are very excited to launch in the fast-changing deodorant category given the great strides in the science and efficacy of naturally based products vs their antiperspirant cousins in recent years. Since planning Wild, we have come across a lot of misinformation and confusion over what a deodorant is compared with antiperspirant and the benefits of switching. So we thought where better to start with our first blog than tackling this head-on:

Antiperspirants vs deodorants?

Antiperspirants are designed to block up your sweat glands and prevent you from sweating, whilst the purpose of deodorants is to prevent body odour whilst still allowing your body to sweat. This odour occurs when the fats and proteins in your sweat mix with bacteria on your skin. Deodorants kill the bacteria on our skin so that there is nothing for our sweat to mingle with to create that undesirable smell.

Removing Aluminium:

The prime culprit is the aluminium found in antiperspirants which creates a gel when it comes into contact with sweat and forms a plug over your sweat glands. But sweating is a natural bodily function (more on this in our other blog The benefits of sweating!) and preventing this stops your body from working the way it should.

Recent studies have also raised concerns not only of the greenhouse gases released into the environment via antiperspirants but also the impact they have on air pollution at home.

The benefits of naturally based deodorants:
Most importantly, natural deodorants allow your body to carry out its important normal function of sweating. To prevent you smelling bad they contain natural antibacterial ingredients that work to combat the odour of your sweat, they will also have ingredients that help keep you smelling fresh and of your chosen scent despite sweating. 

At Wild, we understand the importance of staying fresh, but we also truly believe in the necessity to be kind to your skin and let your body do what it was designed to do - sweat. That is why we have developed Wild deodorants that are environmentally friendly, natural products designed to inspire you. So, go on, give Wild a go - stay fresh whilst also looking after your body and the environment.

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