The Wild Morning Routine

The Wild Morning Routine

Good morning Wildlings! With the seasons changing and a New Year approaching, now seems like the perfect time for new beginnings and forming new rituals to prepare yourself for the days ahead. We’ve put together a Wild morning routine that focuses on deriving power and nourishment from natural products, and it’s guaranteed to ensure you start off your mornings with an extra bounce in your step. Use the hashtag #WildMornings, and let us know how you get on! 


  • Wake up to light 
  • We recommend that you wake up to natural light whenever possible - but with the mornings being longer and darker in the winter, we know this isn’t always possible! Instead, why not invest in a sunlight clock? The Lumie Alarm Clocks use a dimming/brightening lightbulb which gently prepares your body to wake up using light. The light can also double as a bed-side lamp which gently dims as you fall asleep. 

  • Drink a glass of water
  • The first thing you should do upon waking up is drink a glass of water - this will help clear the cobwebs (or the memories from the night before!) and will help kick-start your digestion system. Staying hydrated throughout the day is really important - so start off your day as you mean to go on! 

  • Make a nourishing breakfast bowl 
  • We love breakfast at Wild - here is one of our favourite recipes. 

    Overnight Oats (make the night before!)

    You will need: 1 cup of oats

    1 cup of almond milk

    Honey/Agave Syrup

    Fruit (we recommend raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries). 

    • Place the oats and milk in a mason jar/tupperware/coverable bowl, and mix. 
    • Stir in your ‘sweetener’ - honey, agave, maple syrup! 
    • Add your toppings - we love a mix of berries and nuts. Stir to make sure ingredients are evenly distributed. 
    • Place in the fridge overnight, and enjoy in the morning with a hot cup of coffee or nourishing smoothie. 
  • Get ready with Wild! 
  • We’ve written a whole blog post on our favourite vegan skincare routines, and even included some recipes on how to make your own products! Once you have cleansed, toned, and moisturised, it’s time to move on to body-care. 

    Use your Wild Deo, applying a few thin layers to your underarm area. Be sure to explore the whole range of scents - we take regular polls in the office as to who is loving what! At the moment, we love the zinginess of Lemon & thyme! 

  • Walk/Commute to work if possible 
  • We know it’s not always possible, but wherever you can try and get some light exercise early in the morning. One of the easiest ways of doing so is walking or cycling to work. It’s all about getting  the blood pumping, while also supporting sustainability! Why not walk to a station that’s slightly further away, or cycle to work with a friend? Best of all, you can do both while being protected by your Wild Deo! 

    And there you have it - a Wild Morning Routine that’s guaranteed to help you transition into the winter months and 2020. Just because the skies will be just that little bit darker, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy those crisp mornings. Wild have got you covered. 

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